How Does Screen Time Affect Young Children ?
This article examines the use of screens among young children today, analyzing its advantages, disadvantages, and practical tips for balanced use.

The use of screens among young children has significantly increased with the advent of digital technologies. While they offer educational and entertainment opportunities,it is important to assess their impacts on children's development.
Children spend an average of 2 to 4 hours a days in front of screen, using various devices for games, educational applications, and cartoons. When used appropriately, screens can provide educational benefits, help children learn in a playful manner, and allow them to stay connected with family and friends.Unfortunately,excessive screen time can lead to negative effects, such as sedentarism, obesity, mental health issues, sleep disorders, and difficulties in concentration. For healthy screen usage, it is essential to limit screen time, choose quality content, encourage physical activities, participate together in screen activities and establish screen-free zones in the home.
In short, the use of screens among young children is an undeniable reality of our time. By adopting clear rules and promoting varied activities, parents can help their children navigate the digital world while protecting their well-being.
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