A short and brief article of how Twitter became X.
When my ex and I parted ways, I brought her a receipt of everything I ever did for her to which she paid it back to the last dime.
Amber Heard loved to spend lavishly when we were dating as long as it was my money and even gave some to charity so that she could have a good name. But one thing she was never aware of was that I was a businessman whose emotions never mingled with business one bit.
I never bought Twitter for political or business reasons but as a Valentine's Day gift for her to which she broke with me before that day when she found a new boyfriend on Twitter.
As soon as she parted ways with me, I banned her from Twitter and named it X after which I gave her boyfriend a. job in my company, Tesla. To her chagrin, her boyfriend called it quits with her for breaking up with his boss because of him.
Then I presented her with the receipt of every penny I spent on her to which she paid everything back in full because before our relationship, I made her sign a document that she would pay me back my money in case we didn't end up together.
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