10 Simple Mindfulness Techniques For Beginners
Discover 10 simple mindfulness techniques that will help to improve your overall wellbeing. These exercise are so simple, anyone can do. Even if you are just a beginner.

Mindfulness is a practice that will ground you to the present moment. Mindfulness is when you are fully aware in the present moment . Mindfulness will help you to be more aware of your surroundings, your feelings, an dyour thoughts. Here are simple mindfulness techniques anyone can do, even if you are just a beginner :
1. Mindful Breathing
This is where you will find a quiet place, a place where you are comfortable. Once you found your quiet place, you will close your eyes and focus only on breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose and hold here for a few seconds , before exhaling.
2. Mindful Eating
When you are eating, you should pay attention. Try to focus on the taste, flavour and texture of what you are eating. You should savour your food. Chew slowly and avoid any distraction while eating such as watching TV or playing with your phone. You should pay attention, when you are eating.
3. Body scan
In this technique, you will meditate by slowly scaning every part of your body. Close your eyes and focus on every aspect of your body. Start scaning from your toes to head.
4. Practicing Gratitude
This is a imple technique , yet so effective. Take atleast few minutes of your day to write down everything you are grateful for. This will help to calm your mind and reduce any unwanted stress.
5. Walking Meditation
This is a combination of physical activity and mindfulness. This is an excellant way to relax your mind by stretching your muscles and doing physical activity. When you are walking, pay attention to your legs and how they feel when touching the ground.
6. Mindful Listening
When you are in a conversation with another person , pay attention. You should actively listen to what the other person is saying. Whn you are in a conversation, you should not think about anything else. You should not even think about how you are going to respond to the other person. You should fully pay attention to the speaker.
7. Five Senses Exercise
In this technique , you need to stop whatever you are doing and engage with your five senses. Try to identify atleast one thing you can see, hear , touch , smell, taste . This will help to ground you to the present moment.
8. Journaling
This is a practice of writing down everything you feel. Journaling will help you to process all your emotions and feelings in a healthy way. This will help to turn any stress or negative energy into positive energy.
9. Doing One Task At A Time
Instead of multitasking , do one task at a time. Focus on that task and complete it , before moving to the next task.
10. Counting Exercise
This is a 5-4-3-2-1 mindfulness exercise that will ground you to the present moment. This exercise can be done like :
- Try to identify and spot 5 things
- Try to feel four things
- Try to listen for atleast 3 seconds
- Try to identify 2 scents
- Try to identify one taste
Mindfulness is a practice that is developed over time. Start with one or two techniques, and slowly add additional techniques.
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