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Food for Thought: ICMR’s Blueprint for a Healthier Indiah

Jun 5, 2024 - 12:24
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Food for Thought: ICMR’s Blueprint for a Healthier Indiah
Food for Thought: ICMR’s Blueprint for a Healthier Indiah

In the bustling streets of India, where the aroma of spices mingles with the cacophony of life, a silent epidemic lurks in the shadows, stealthily infiltrating households and sowing the seeds of ill-health. Despite the burgeoning popularity of organic foods and the fervent crusade against junk, a startling revelation emerges: unhealthy dietary practices are the root cause of 56 percent of health issues in India.

Hope glimmers on the horizon in the form of a groundbreaking report unveiled by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR-NIN). Like a beacon of light piercing through the darkness, this report shines a spotlight on 17 pivotal guidelines aimed at reshaping food habits and practices, with the noble aim of combating diabetes, obesity and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

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