Fish is a good quality and high protein food which is contributing to world food security.

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Published: Nov 30, 2024 - 07:23
Salmon vs Tuna

Apart from attending series of medical checkup appointments or swallowing different pills to combat heart problems, Omega-3, the unsaturated fat found in fish can also be of great help to hypertensive patients.

A recent research reveals that Omega-3 on its own or with a combination of some other nutrients like Vitamin D found in fish is capable of combating mercury and other fish contaminants to reduce the risk of dying of heart-related ailments. Omega-3 may reduce triglycerides (the fat in the blood that energizes the body) which if found excessive leads to heart problems. It also lowers blood pressure, minimises blood clotting and decreases the risks of developing stroke, heart failure, irregular heartbeats and cardiac arrest.

Inflammation is a disorder in the body that damages blood vessels and causes heart problems. The valuable nutrients present in fish help in reducing this inflammation. Unsaturated fatty acids in fish are similar to those in meat, which may lower cholesterol. Herring, sardine, tuna, lake trout, mackerel, salmon and other fatty fish are rich sources of Omega-3, while some other fish such as tilapia and catfish are not so heart-friendly because they have higher levels of unhealthy fatty acids. Other seafood such as mackerel and cod contain Omega-3 but in small quantities.

In conclusion, how fish is prepared is very crucial. For instance, broiled or baked fish are of better nutritional value compared to deep-fried fish. Some researchers have also discovered that pesticides, antibiotics and other chemicals used by fish farmers may be disastrous to those who consume fish. Simply put, fish caught in their natural habitats are of relatively beneficial quality 

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